The Client
Large Financial Organization
Business Challenge

At any given time, the customer runs hundreds of information technology projects. As a Global Financial Institution, any downtime is immediately evident, harming the client’s business and generating immediate regulatory attention. At the same time, the client wanted to:
- Turn testing into a more efficient process from the cost and staff point of view
- Improve the level of testing currently being performed
- Ensure that testing best practices at a high professional level are brought into the process, since testing outcomes with bank staff were unsatisfactory.
- Evolve from 100% manual testing to use of automated testing tools as well and creating a unified center of testing knowledge for the bank
- Receive measurable results to ensure the bank gets the testing quality excepted
- Receive onshore testing that does not breach the bank’s complex regulatory data security requirements
Our Solution
ESP has established a comprehensive, test center (Testing CEO) in clients selected central offices and provided teams of testers. Our team performs all the testing of all clients’ financial systems. Budget of each project is calculated based on a pre-defined formula that is based on the project development efforts. This allows the client to better scale the testing budget based on the actual need and outcome of testing and secured at least 30% cost reduction compared to the current budget spent.
Few quality KPIs were set as part of the Service Level Agreement (SLA), including a guarantee provided to the bank to find at least 95% of the total defects in the system under test and at least 99.9% of critical defects. Using ESPs developed process Quality Test Dashboard, fully utilized with the client’s Test Teams and internal tools and Support systems, the customer is able to view the actual quality level delivered online and on a real-time basis.
- Better scale the testing budget based on the actual need and outcome of testing and secured at least 30% cost reduction compared to the current budget spent.
- Ability to view the actual quality level delivered online and on a real-time basis.