The Client
Large Financial Organization
Business Challenge

Group responsible for Integrated Public and Private Cloud (Hybrid Cloud Solution Team) realized their in-house infrastructure could not keep up with demand and that their applications needed a robust, enterprise-level infrastructure with a high degree of performance. We knew they could meet the changing needs of their clients and plan for future growth if they used a secure, scalable, cloud-based solution. ESP started searching for providers, that could not only require to provide a scalable solution that could deliver 100 percent uptime, but also needed a company that thoroughly understood and enacted strict security controls. Having the highest level of security available was top priority for the Group.
Our Solution
After researching several providers, ESPs Cloud Advisory Team provided reviews and recommendations of innovative solution providers and helped in selection of best tool for it’s virtual private and public cloud and for its unparalleled ability to deliver high performance and rapid response times, and scale easily on demand. All of selected provider’s clouds are also fully managed, including troubleshooting, patch management and proactive server remediation for any issues that arise. Integrated cloud layered on an extra level of protection with offsite backup to providers site. We have also established and utilized companies Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) to ensure quick recovery if the worst should happen.
ESP Team worked with both the Clients Private Cloud Team and Public Cloud provider, and led management & implementation of secure and highly available cloud environment, developed and tested confidentiality to assure proper data protection. Developed policies and implemented them. ESP Team conducted testing of integrated components. We added a unique component to their environment in DRaaS to ensure they can quickly fail over if their production servers go down and test out major system updates before they are released to the public.