The Client
Large Financial Organization
Business Challenge

For the execution of business process, employees were spending substantial amount of time dealing with Outside price providers, screen scraping on outside websites, file savings, filling out multiple spreadsheets and templates, run multiple editors, create dashboards and reports. Perform manual repetitive tasks such as: typing, copying, pasting, extracting, merging and moving massive amounts of data from one system to another. At times above processes created Reputational, Financial and Operational Risks.
Our Solution
Our practitioners together with Clients analysts began by evaluating and prototyping automation technology on some of its customer business process. Use case was carried out on a process for generation of a Treasury Group. AS-IS process:
- Access 1st providers pricing website and copy paste numbers. Save down Cash File
- Access 2nd providers pricing website and copy paste numbers. Save down Cash File
- Save down Treasury Edge Cash file
- Run credit exposure reports and save it.
- Complete Cash Template 1
- Complete Cash Template 2
- Complete Securities Collateral Template
- Run credit exposure Editor
- Run T0 report
- Generate and send Dashboard
ESP consultants, reviewed and re-aligned steps within the process to have highly structured routines and manual tasks automated and be handled by a robot, so that employees have more time for value added tasks. Decrease human errors and remove possible Operational, Reputational Risks.
Implemented process:
- Treasury activities were assumed by a software robot (RPA)
- Website access and screen scraping in now performed by robot
- Robot accesses 1st and 2nd pricing provider’s websites
- copies necessary prices and saves it in the required folder
- signals internal technology process of file readiness
- Treasury specialist performs a four eye check of the file while process continues
- Application takes file and performs review, data lending, etc.
- Populates necessary Templates
- T0 Dashboard is created by previously created mapping in UI tool
- Dashboards are available to all authenticated user
- This productivity improvement provided client with increase in its employee capacity by 98% on this business process.
- Created solid RPA and Intelligent Automation Capability
- Greatly reduced human errors, Reputational and Operational Risks
- Solution is now part of the Strategic Transformation and is being cascaded to most Support and Operations Groups